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Personal Ethics Statement

 -    I strive to complete all work with a sincere and firm commitment to ethics. Leading an ethical lifestyle is incredibly important to me, and I try to carry myself in a manor where my values speak through my actions.

    - Honesty is the single most important factor that I live by in my professional life. Presenting a genuine and sincere front allows me to work alongside my instructors, coworkers, and peers to promote mutually beneficial relationships. Honesty in successes and failures promotes an open flow of accurate information which benefits all parties involved.

    - Loyalty seems to be an underrated aspect of ethical decision making, and I pride myself in being a very loyal individual. In the workplace, loyalty to my employer and to my clients promotes stronger relationships and successful business practices. In my personal life, mutual loyalty among my friends and family helps cultivate meaningful connections.

    - All work that I complete, I accept any positive or negative consequences that may follow. I believe being held accountable for one’s own actions is a key factor in personal growth, both professionally and personally. I accept my mistakes, and see them as a learning lesson rather than someone else’s problem.

Personal Ethics Statement: About Us
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